To accomplish its research, RobotiCSS Lab uses different types of robots and research tools and open space for designing and assembling prototypes of electronic and computer circuits. The tools are available to researchers who collaborate with the laboratory.
In our lab, you can find computers, breadboard, computers, power supplies, soldering irons, electronic components, and a 3D printer. Arduino and Raspberry PI, EMOTIV electroencephalographic headphones for the detection of EEG signals, and non-invasive brain-machine interfaces such as, for example, the eye-tracking tool are also available.
For teaching and research activities on the interaction between machines and humans our lab makes use of the following robotic systems:
CoderBot, BlueBot, LittleBits, Ozobot, WeDo, Mindstorms, Ollie, NAO, Pepper.
![Blue Bot](https://roboticss.formazione.unimib.it/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2022/11/1-1.jpg)
![Little Bits](https://roboticss.formazione.unimib.it/wp-content/uploads/sites/6/2022/11/7.jpg)