I am
- Full professor of Philosophy of Science at the Department of Human Science for Education, University of Milano-Bicocca, Milan
- co-founder and director of the RobotiCSS Lab – Laboratory of Robotics for the Cognitive and Social Sciences, University of Milano-Bicocca.
As a philosopher of science, I primarily work on the methodological foundations of biorobotics, Artificial Intelligence, and cognitive science. More specifically, I reconstruct and analyze the validity of methodologies involving robots and bionic systems, as well as robots interacting with animals and humans, to study living system behavior and cognition.
My interests also concern the role of robots as tools to intervene in, and theorize the mechanisms of social cognition, still from a methodological perspective, and the methodological foundations of educational robotics.
In the past, I also worked on the structure of neuroscientific and cognitive explanations, and on robo-ethics.
Representative publications
- E. Datteri (2021), “The creation of phenomena in interactive biorobotics“, Biological Cybernetics, Open access.
- E. Datteri (2020), “The logic of interactive biorobotics“, Frontiers in Bioengineering and Biotechnology.
- E. Datteri (2020), “Interactive Biorobotics“, online first su Synthese.
- E. Datteri (2020), “Biological accuracy in large-scale brain simulations“, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences, n. 42, vol. 1, 2020.