Edoardo Datteri
He is a full professor of Logic and Philosophy of Science and Educational Robotics at the University of Milano-Bicocca, where he directs the Laboratory of Robotics for Cognitive and Social Sciences - RobotiCSS Lab. He deals with philosophy of science, cognitive sciences, and artificial intelligence. He has written for Carocci and Archetipo Libri.

Luisa Zecca
She is a full professor at the “Riccardo Massa” Department of Human Sciences for Education of the University of Milano-Bicocca. She is currently the scientific director of the Erasmus Plus projects DEMETER (DEveloping Interdisciplinary Methodologies in Education Through Enhanced Relationships between schools and farms) and the Horizon2020 C4S (Communities for Sciences)

Gilda Bozzi
Graduated in Intercultural Communication with a thesis on educational robotics, Gilda Bozzi is the Lab coordinator of the RobotiCSS Lab. Together with Prof. Datteri, she takes care of the course Logic and Educational Robotics. She also works as an educator for Yunik APS.

Chiara Merisio
Since 2012, Dr. Merisio has been working on various educational projects, both with children, teenagers and adults. In 2019 she graduated in Pedagogical Studies, became a Yunik trainer, and started to collaborate with the RobotiCSS Lab. In 2020, she has become a tutor for students with SLD and/or disabilities at the University of Milano-Bicocca.

Silvia Larghi
After graduating in computer science and engineering, she worked for several years in software engineering. She taught technology at school, where she coordinated the team for digital innovation. She designs and conducts laboratories of educational robotics and artificial intelligence in schools and training courses dedicated to teachers. Her research interests are artificial intelligence and cognition. She is a Ph.D. student at the RobotiCSS Lab.

Elisa Baioni
Graduated in Philosophical Sciences from the University of Bologna, she attended the Master in Science Communication 'Franco Prattico' in Trieste. She is passionate about science, environmental ethics, and post-humanism. She coordinates the communication activities of the RobotiCSS Lab.
Andrea Galimberti
Marco Castiglioni