Disseminating philosophical and scientific knowledge, and promoting critical thinking, are two of the main goals of the RobotiCSS Lab, as far as public engagement is concerned. Throughout the years, the Lab has established a dense network of collaborations with private and public institutions, including research centres, schools, companies and associations.

Yunik is a non-profit association that connects the RobotiCSS Lab to the world "out there". It converts the results of the research carried out in the Lab into educational activities for students, teachers, and citizens at large. Yunik organizes educational robotics workshops and training courses in school and extracurricular contexts in the framework of the Robokids Program, under the supervision of the Lab. Visit Yunik's website.

RobotiCSS Lab organizes training courses for preschool, primary, and secondary school teachers on the educational use of robots. The courses aim at designing educational robotics, biorobotics, or epistemology teaching paths and are based on the psycho-pedagogical expertise present in the Department of Human Sciences for Education at Bicocca University. They always include a workshop phase where teachers test the didactic program they've created in their classroom. The course provider is the University of Milano-Bicocca, accredited for training according to Italian regulations. Write to roboticss@unimib.it to activate an agreement between the Institute and the University.

Since 2018, RobotiCSS Lab has been involved in many festivals and events, both as a guest and organizer. Click here to see the most important ones.
Training Course
Workshop for children